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Enrichment & Educational Visits
Rugby Free Primary School is committed to providing our pupils with the most exciting, engaging and broad curriculum possible and enrichment plays a key role in this process.

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Education is not just sitting at a table and learning, it is about extending children’s learning through new experiences and opportunities. Therefore, we are constantly seeking out new ways to enhance our teaching and to provide our pupils with the most exciting school experience that we can.

Experience is the teacher of all things.

Julius Caesar
Application ProcessYou will receive the official transfer documents from the local authority during the Autumn Term of your child final year in primary school inviting you to select your preferred secondary school. The local authority then informs secondary schools of their prospective students in the Spring Term. RFSS’s Transition and Primary Liaison Leader will then keep in close contact with our feeder primary schools and during the Summer Term will visit all primary schools to meet with our new intake of students. We will talk to your child’s teachers about the progress made so far and any strategies used and needs to be addressed.
Year 7 InductionDuring the Summer Term our new intake spend at least one day with us for “Induction Day”, during which they will get to know key staff and students in their new school and familiarise themselves with our buildings and rules. On the same evening, we invite all prospective students back into school with their parents to ensure parents have opportunity to meet key staff and have the chance to ask questions. In-year admissions are currently administered by Warwickshire County Council. If you require further information on the process for In Year admissions, please follow the link
Deadlines for Admissions and Further InformationApply for a secondary school place
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