Social, Emotional and Mental Health
SEMH stands for Social, Emotional and Mental Health and encapsulates a variety of types of support that a child might need throughout their time in school.

At RFPS, we have a tiered approach to SEMH provision, so that all children can access everything they need to be happy and able to access the best from their education.

Behavour is the language of
unmet needs.

Dr Karyn Purvis
SEMH tiered approach

Thrive plays a huge part in our SEMH provision. We are a ‘Thrive’ school and use the ‘Thrive approach’ to support all children with their social and emotional development.
Thrive allows staff to profile children’s social and emotional development and set targets and write action plans to support development in this area. It also allows staff to identify gaps in social and emotional development and plan for specific interventions to fill these gaps.
There is lots of information about this approach on the Thrive website: thriveapproach.com
If you have any questions about the SEMH provision at RFPS, or have concerns about your own child’s needs, please speak to any member of our school inclusion team.