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Applying for Pupil Premium Grant

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools with pupils on roll that are identified as being vulnerable to possible underachievement (free school meals pupils, children looked after or previously looked after and children of armed service personnel).

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To be entitled to free school meals parents must be receiving one of the following support payments:

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Ensuring that funding to  tackle disadvantage  reaches the pupils who  need it most. 

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  • Income Support

  • Employment Support Allowance (Income Related)

  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

  • Guaranteed Pension Credit

  • Child Tax credit and the assessed family income does not exceed £16,190. (Parents receiving Working Tax Credit are not entitled regardless of the level of assessed income)

  • Children of Asylum Seekers who receive support from Social Services are entitled as are those children who receive Income Support in their own right.

To apply for free school meals, parents are asked to follow this link to the Warwickshire free school meals team or contact the team by calling 01926 359189.


Parents are not required to provide evidence of the benefit, as schools will be notified automatically.

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